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Glenn Shadix: Actor & Writer Los Angeles, California / Birmingham, Alabama | shadixglenn.jpg

"Hon, this is a silly old southern boy that really loves it but got hurt.  That pretty much sums it up.  There was a lot of hurt but at the same time it gave me all my joy, too.  Now, I think joy and sorrow are like a child with two faces, I mean, you're going to have both all the time.  You couldn't perceive joy without sorrow.  So, I owe the South probably everything. I wouldn't give anything for exactly who I am. I'm very happy.  I'm not living in any kind of regret."

"Hon, this is a silly old southern boy that really loves it but got hurt. That pretty much sums it up. There was a lot of hurt but at the same time it gave me all my joy, too. Now, I think joy and sorrow are like a child with two faces, I mean, you're going to have both all the time. You couldn't perceive joy without sorrow. So, I owe the South probably everything. I wouldn't give anything for exactly who I am. I'm very happy. I'm not living in any kind of regret."

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